Former child abductees face ‘cen’ and need cleansing: Psychologist
tells court
“Former child abductees face serious effects
and a significant number develop post-traumatic stress disorders.”
Prof. Michael Gibbs Wessels a Psychologist and Professor of Clinical Population
and Family Health at Columbia University (USA) told court during the trial
hearings of Dominic Ongwen. Prof. Gibbs is also a psycho-social and child
protection practitioner who worked in Uganda for 10 years(1998-2008).
“Education was my hope; my future and I have
lost it.” Prof. Gibbs quoted in open court how a former abductee expressed
her feelings about being abducted:He also stated that there is a likelihood of
intergenerational transmission of trauma which will likely affect the families
of children who were affected for generations.
Gibbs told the court that former LRA child abductees still face the burden of
stigma, burden of being born out of wedlock, being a rebel child,inability to
interact properly, engaging in unruly behavior, inability to create and
maintain lasting relationships and feelings of guilt which in turn escalates to
depression and trauma.
Prof. Gibbs further
added that formerly abducted children also face what can be termed as ‘cen. ‘Cen’is an Acholi word used to
describe a super natural manifestation, haunting a perpetrator. He recommended cultural rituals be done to break this psyche
In so saying, Prof.
Gibbs was referring to cultural rituals like “Nyono tong gweno” (Stepping on the egg) that the Acholi believe in
to remove the ‘cen’ and pacify the victims.He
also noted that the resilient nature of Acholi children doesn’t mean they don’t
need support urging that rituals have to be part of the healing process. “That is what people in Acholi land want- to
remove the ‘cen’ It is much better than imposing western treatment,” he concluded.
The Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) is a Pan African organization working for social justice in
Africa with a specific focus on peaceful communities, sustainable livelihoods
and healthy lives. The
Foundation for Justice and Development (FJDI) works with children, youth, women and communities to promote
justice, development and economic recovery in northern Uganda. ACORD and FJDI
are monitoring the trial of Dominic Ongwen with support from the European
Commission, under a project titled, “Promoting Justice and Accountability for
Conflict Affected Communities in Northern Uganda and West-Nile Regions of